Here’s to a sweet New Year!
by Ari Weinzweig
Erev Rosh Hashanah is coming! We have a host of great foods all over the ZCoB to help you get your High Holiday celebration off to a good start. These are just a few of the highlights—check the various links to look and see what other great treats we have for you.
Mail Order
There’s a long list of lovely Bakehouse baked goods you can ship for Rosh Hashanah. Our delicious Chocolate Babka, the new Date, Fig and Pomegranate Babka, Rugelach, Mandel Bread, Sour Cream Coffee Cake … We also have some great Rosh Hashanah gift boxes ready to go!Bakehouse – In addition to all the Bakehouse treats we’re shipping, there’s the Bumble Honey Cake made with full flavored dark Buckwheat honey and tea, Halvah cheesecake, and the Apple Rétes (read more below). There are also the classic round challahs of the sort I grew up with made with (or without) Red Flame raisins and Myers Dark Rum, and the braided Moroccan challah that I wish I’d grown up with—brushed with honey, then dusted with anise, poppy, and sesame seeds.
We’ll have all the classics that we opened the Deli with nearly 40 years ago on hand for the holiday, and a whole range of great new offerings as well. Roast brisket, whole roast lemon chicken, chopped liver, homemade gefilte fish, chicken soup, matzo balls. We also do the Lamb and Rosemary honey stew that I did the recipe for 18 years ago for the Guide to Good Eating.
Heading out for dinner? We’ll have Creole Matzo Ball Soup, Sephardic Beef Short Ribs, Southwest Tsimmes, chopped liver, the Bakehouse’s Halvah cheesecake for dessert, and more!
Something sweet.
If you’re looking to sweeten your New Year, the Candy Company has a wealth of wonderful sweets of all sorts! And we have a host of varietal honeys at the Deli—everything from Scottish heather honey, Italian chestnut (its bittersweet flavor might be about right for the year!), honeydew from Italy, Tupelo honey from Florida, Ulmo honey (one of my longtime favorites) from Chile, and the bittersweet leatherwood honey from Tasmania. With the new season’s apple crop coming in, you can put out a range of honeys and heirloom apples and let your family taste, learn, and compare!
The sweet spirit of forgiveness.
Rosh Hashanah is a great occasion for the giving of small food gifts, and also, in the spirit of the spirit of generosity, for forgiveness. In the spirit of Gareth Higgins, the late chief rabbi of Great Britain, Jonathan Sacks, once said:
In a world without forgiveness, evil begets evil, harm generates harm and there is no way short of sheer exhaustion or forgetfulness of breaking the cycle. Forgiveness breaks the chain. It represents a decision not to do what instinct and passion urge us to do. It answers hate with a refusal to hate, animosity with generosity. Few more daring ideas have ever entered the human situation.