The A2 Jersey Cow’s Milk Yogurt arrives in A2
By Ari Weinzweig
Back when we opened the Deli in 1982, really good artisan yogurt was nearly impossible to find. Happily, high-quality yogurt is now readily available in much of the country. That said, this amazing yogurt from the Callahan family out in northern California is so compellingly terrific that I wanted to write about it anyway. I’m a huge fan of the fresh ricotta we get from the Callahan family at Bellwether Farms out in California, and their yogurt is really just as remarkable. Every time I eat some, I’m inspired anew.
Why it’s so good.
What makes it so special? The quality of the raw material might well be the biggest driver. It’s made with milk from the family’s herd of Jersey cows, generally acknowledged in the cheese world to give the creamiest, most delicious cow milk available. The Jerseys naturally produce milk containing only A2 protein which, I’ve been learning, might be easier for many people who have issues eating lactose to digest. The yogurt is thick and creamy, but it’s made without adding any thickeners—the Jersey milk is hard to get (yields are much lower than the more common Friesian cows) but it works beautifully for the yogurt (and the ricotta).
How to enjoy it.
The Bellwether yogurt is made with full-fat, exceptional, whole milk. Great with fresh fruit of any sort. Terrific with Red Walnuts and a bit of honey. Personally, I like it on the savory side—a small bowlful for breakfast with a little olive oil and some of that farm-to-table Tellicherry Black Pepper we get is a beautiful thing. Great for savory sauces, too, or also cold soups or marinades. The Bellwether yogurt is now on the breakfast menu as a side at the Roadhouse, so order a bit next time you’re in! You’ll also see it as a key ingredient in what the Roadhouse crew are calling the “Power Blossom Bowl”—red Peruvian quinoa, cooked with a little sorghum and served with Bellwether yogurt, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and bananas, liberally garnished with chia seeds.
Or skip all that and just eat a couple spoonfuls straight out of the container—it’s that good! Swing by the Cream Top Shop soon and pick up a quart of this exceptionally high-quality California yogurt.