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By Joanie Hales

Edible Avalon Harvest Dinner

Proceeds benefit Edible Avalon – click to learn more about Edible Avalon

Chef Alex will delight us with a memorable meal featuring fresh, locally grown and sourced ingredients, including an array of luscious heirloom tomato varieties. He’ll also discuss heirloom seed selection, soil management and proper animal husbandry.

Proceeds from the dinner will benefit Edible Avalon, the residential community garden program of Avalon Housing. Representative from the group will share with us the success they’ve had and the positive impact for Avalon residents and the larger community.

Seating is very limited, reservation required. The cost, $65 per person, includes admission to the Cornman Farms’ tour. $30 of each seat sold will be donated to Edible Avalon.

This dinner sponsored by Ann Arbor Farm & Garden; find more
information online at

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