star drawing

By Marcy Harris

Easy Lemonade Mocktail Recipe

Laura's Nonsense Lavender Lemonade Mocktail with a Twist of Lime and Lavender Sprinkled On Top

Laura’s Lavender Lemonade Nonsense Mocktail

By Lindsay-Jean Hard

Picture this: The sun is out (not so much that you’re squinting, just enough to make you appreciate the glowing rays), the weather is warm (not so much that you’re sweating, just enough to appreciate the balmy temps), and the BBQ sandwich is saucy and delicious (not so much that the BBQ sauce is dripping down your chin, just… oh who are we kidding, we can’t promise that!). Basically, it’s a picture-perfect day to be enjoying Zingerman’s Roadhouse Park, and the only thing that just might take your experience over the top would be a cold, refreshing beverage without the alcohol.

Our mocktails.

You’re in luck, because we have an extensive line-up of satisfying non-alcoholic selections on our menu, from draft and bottled sodas to freshly brewed iced tea and more. Everyone deserves a delicious, crafted beverage, and if you prefer yours to be alcohol-free, you’re in luck. There’s no need to be stuck with just water or juice (though our line-up of fresh-squeezed juices is anything but ordinary)—the Roadhouse has a fabulous line-up of mocktails just right for the summer dining season.

These mocktails are easy-drinking beverages for everyone. They’re drinks that are fun and celebratory and just so happen to be booze-free, too. Our mocktails start with special ingredients, like the house-made rosemary syrup in our sophisticated Rosemary Soda, the local honey in our citrusy Snowbird, and the freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice in the mocktail we’re spotlighting today—Laura’s Lavender Nonsense.

Laura’s Lavender Nonsense.

Nothing says summer like a glass of lemonade, so we make our own amped-up, extra-special version. Laura’s Lavender Nonsense is named after one of our veteran servers, you guessed it, her name is Laura! Whenever Laura Fulton picks up a drink from the Roadshow, she always says, “I’m here for my nonsense!” So when our bar manager created this drink, the alliteration and ode to Laura’s nonsense made for a winning combination, just like the drink itself. It’s a light and refreshing, thirst quencher. We add our house-made lavender syrup to the lemon and lime juice and garnish it with lime slices and a sprinkle of lavender. The result is a delicious, floral, and fruity twist on classic lemonade with the perfect balance of sweet and tart.

And now, not only can you enjoy a lemonade mocktail at the Roadhouse Park, you can also whip up a batch at home with our recipe:

Laura’s Lavender Nonsense Mocktail Recipe

1 oz fresh lime juice
1 oz lavender syrup (see below)
4 oz fresh lemonade
Splash of soda, optional
Lime slices and lavender flowers for garnish, optional


Stir the lime juice and lavender syrup into the lemonade. If desired, add a splash of soda and top with garnishes. Serve over ice and enjoy!

Lavender Syrup

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
3 Tbsp fresh or dried lavender flowers


Boil water with sugar and lavender flowers until the sugar dissolves. Let the syrup cool with the flowers, then remove them. Store syrup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Visit us at the Roadhouse Park and try Laura’s Lavender Nonsense Lemonade or another one of our delightful mocktails. (We’ll do our best to put in a good word to Mother Nature for those perfect weather conditions.)